General forum

A forum community dedicated to General owners and enthusiasts. Join the discussion about modifications, troubleshooting, and maintenance. Get the help you need to maintain and enjoy your General!

Whether you're a former professional athlete, someone who has been injured in the past, or someone who simply wants to know what's going on with your body, this section is for you. We'll cover everything from chronic pain and inflammation to traumatic injuries and surgeries. The General owners and enthusiasts community general forum is an invaluable resource for anyone looking to learn more about their vehicle. With helpful discussions, modifications, troubleshooting, and maintenance tips, it is sure to be a great place to further your knowledge and even find others who share your passion. We invite you to join us and become a part of this growing community today!

2017-2018 NFL season

The 2017-2018 NFL season is underway. It’s a long one, and it's competitive. But don't let that scare you! All the best teams are getting better every week, so there's plenty of fun to be had in this exciting new season.

MCL/ACL knee injuries

MCL/ACL knee injuries are a common occurrence in sports, especially those that involve running or jumping. If you participate in any kind of sport and you’re recovering from an injury to your knee joint, there are several things you can do to help prevent further damage and make sure it heals as quickly as possible.

MCL/ACL sprains are also common among athletes who play soccer or basketball—especially when they fall on the ground while playing with their feet spread out wide like on an obstacle course. These types of injuries occur because the ligaments around your MCL (medial collateral ligament) stretch too far during impact with another player or object on the ground; this causes them to tear apart from each other. ACL tears happen when one or both ACLs tear apart from each other due to excessive force applied by another person's footstep onto their knees while running at top speed across hard surfaces such as concrete sidewalks

Shoulder injuries

Shoulder injuries can happen to any athlete. They are often caused by a collision, or by throwing a ball or hitting a wall. Overuse may also be responsible for your pain in the shoulder area.

Shoulder injuries can range from mild to severe and have many different causes. They may occur after getting hit with something like a baseball bat while playing baseball (or softball), but they can also happen during everyday activities such as lifting heavy objects or running around all day long without taking breaks to stretch out muscles before they get sore!

Throwing shoulder injuries

Throwing shoulder injuries are becoming more common. A throwing shoulder injury is a condition that occurs when the rotator cuff, or cartilage and tendons around your upper arm bone (glenohumeral joint), becomes inflamed. It’s often caused by overuse or stress on the joint.

Throwing injuries can be treated with rest, medication and physical therapy. The goal is to improve range of motion so you can return to activities that don’t put stress on your throwing shoulder.

If you get soreness in your neck, arms or lower back while pitching or fielding softball:

  • Stop playing right away if possible; this will help reduce inflammation in your injured area.* Get treatment from an athletic trainer who specializes in sports medicine.* Seek advice from a doctor before resuming play if swelling worsens rapidly after resting.* Take pain medication as prescribed by a physician if needed

Tightness in the neck or back

There are a couple of ways to treat this problem:

  • The first is to use heat and massage to loosen up the muscles in your neck or back. You can do this by wrapping a hot towel around your neck for 15 minutes each day, then using an ice pack afterwards. If you have trouble sleeping at night, try lying down with your feet elevated until you fall asleep (or just putting them up on their side).

  • Another way is by working on other types of exercises that target those areas where tightness occurs—like strengthening them through yoga or Pilates classes at home; stretching out their muscles before bedtime; doing gentle movements like bicep curls while sitting at a desk during work hours; etcetera—all without making yourself so sore that it becomes impossible for them ever again!

Stomach or abdominal issues, or stomach pain and cramps

The term "stomach pain" refers to any discomfort in the abdomen. It can be mild, moderate or severe and may include nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea (a loose stool). Chronic stomach disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) may also cause symptoms of abdominal discomfort. The term "cramp" refers to sharp pains that are localized in one part of your body—your legs if you have knee troubles for example! Both these terms should be avoided since they're often misused by patients who don't understand their true meanings: "Stomach-ache" is not really an ache at all but rather refers to something else entirely; while "leg cramp" could refer either way depending on where it occurs within your body...

Foot and ankle injuries, including sprains and fractures (including but not limited to ankle sprains)

Foot and ankle injuries, including sprains and fractures (including but not limited to ankle sprains) are common. This section covers the most common foot and ankle injuries as well as treatment options for each.

  • What is a sprain? A sprain is an injury to one or more bones in your foot or ankle that causes pain, swelling, bruising or tenderness at the site where it occurred. The term “sprain” refers to one type of bone injury called an avulsion fracture—the pulling apart of two bones due to external forces applied over time (such as when you step on something sharp).

  • What is a fracture? Simply put: fractures are breaks within a bone caused by sudden trauma from impact forces such as falls from heights greater than three feet tall; direct blows from another person's fist against your face; direct blows from another person's fist against your jawbone area near your ear canal opening; hitting into hard surfaces like concrete floors during running/jumping activities such as basketball games played outdoors during springtime months when temperatures rise above 80 degrees Fahrenheit outside but remain below freezing point inside buildings with windows open creating condensation droplets forming ice crystals floating on top air currents flowing through ventilation ducts located throughout these structures' interiors spaces connected via pipes running underneath floors above ground level up towards ceilings above ceilings located within rooms built atop large raised platforms used solely for construction purposes only!

Foot pain and tarsal tunnel syndrome

Foot pain is one of the most common problems that people deal with. It can be caused by a number of things, including:

  • Plantar fasciitis

  • Lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow)

  • Heel spurs, hammertoes or bunions

Knee pain and knee arthritis

There are a number of reasons for knee pain, including injury and arthritis. Knee pain can be extremely painful and may lead to swelling and stiffness in your knees. In addition to physical discomfort, you may experience other symptoms such as loss of mobility or numbness in your hands or feet if there's damage to nerves near the joint(s).

Knee ailments include sports injuries like sprains (bruising), strains (muscle pull) and fractures; osteoarthritis; rheumatoid arthritis; gout; bursitis...and more! If you're experiencing knee pain regularly then it's important that you visit your doctor as soon as possible so they can determine whether there is anything wrong with any part(s) of your body before starting treatment options such as physiotherapy sessions which could help relieve some aches but not necessarily eliminate them completely."

Frozen shoulder (also called adhesive capsulitis)

Frozen shoulder (also called adhesive capsulitis) is a condition in which the shoulder has no movement. It's caused by inflammation of the rotator cuff muscles and can lead to pain and loss of function.

Frozen shoulder may be treated with physical therapy, which helps restore movement and strength to your shoulder joint, or medication such as anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroids.

Many things can happen to your body.

You can get injured at any time, whether you’re doing anything or not. Things that are normal and healthy sometimes can cause injury, like when you go to the gym and lift weights. If your body is not used to doing something new, it might hurt more than usual if you try it for the first time.

You may also be injured when you are not doing anything wrong! For example:

You might be injured by an unexpected fall down some stairs while running away from a scary monster in Super Mario World 3D (the original one).


If you’re suffering from any of these conditions, it may be time to visit your doctor. There are many ways to help prevent injuries and recover faster from those that do occur!